Mitchell McKenna - tagged with canonical en-us LifePress Ubuntu for Phones

Watch Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth explain Ubuntu's new mobile strategy. Jump to 5:20 for the good stuff. I really like the focus on utilizing screen real estate, and all the gesture actions. It'll really be interesting if this manages to take off. Engadget's got a great hands-on video with Shuttleworth as well.

Wed, 02 Jan 2013 14:02:00 -0500
Mark Shuttleworth on Using Juju to Crowdsource SysOps

Mark Shuttleworth gave a talk at OSCON 2012 titled "Making Magic From Cloud To Client" where he explained one of Canonical's new projects Juju and how it can be used to help crowdsource the difficult task of configuring and deploying software across multiple local, virtual and server environments.

Through the use of charms, juju provides you with shareable, re-usable, and repeatable expressions of DevOps best practices. You can use them unmodified, or easily change and connect them to fit your needs. Deploying a charm is similar to installing a package on Ubuntu: ask for it and it’s there, remove it and it’s completely gone.

Sun, 22 Jul 2012 15:34:00 -0400