Mitchell McKenna - tagged with dj-earworm en-us LifePress DJ Earworm Mashup – United State of Pop 2014 [Free Download]
DJ Earworm has released his annual mashup United State of Pop video for 2014, this year titled “Do What You Wanna Do”. Every year he takes the 25 biggest pop songs from and combined them into what’s bound to be a very popular mash-up video, based on previous year successes. You can find the list of songs used in this year’s in the youtube description. Mashing 25 unique songs into a single is no easy feat, you can read about what it takes to create such a thing in his interview on You can revisit the mashups from 2008 to present on his youtube playlist. Shoutout to Ragen for sending us this one. Update: DJ Earworm has made the mp3 available to download for free on SoundCloud.
Wed, 03 Dec 2014 15:03:00 -0500