Mitchell McKenna - tagged with founder en-us LifePress Instagram Founder Kevin Systrom - Foundation

Interesting to see this interview with the founder of Instagram, before they were owned by Facebook, before they did video, before they had an android app.

Kevin Rose sits down with Kevin Systrom, founder of the popular social photo sharing app, Instagram. They chat about Systrom's growing up with computers, his time spent at Stanford, and landing an internship at a startup destined to be worth billions. This ultimately led to launching Instagram which is now 15 million users strong and one of the fastest growing social networks on the planet!

Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:47:00 -0500
Chad Hurley - Co-founder of YouTube

In this episode of Foundation, Kevin Rose sit down with Chad Hurley, co-founder of YouTube, and founder of AVOS. Chad talks about life after YouTube, AVOS buying Delicious, Paypal, and hints at his latest ambition in the video collaboration space MixBit.

Tue, 16 Jul 2013 03:57:00 -0400
A fireside chat with GitHub Founder Tom Preston-Werner

Interesting interview by PandoDaily with one of the 3 founders of Github. Talking about Tom's career, interesting stories of coming out of debt, and how the side project to solve the problem of sharing code became the largest code repository in the world.

Sun, 30 Jun 2013 23:38:00 -0400
Interview with Ubuntu's Founder

Interview with Ubuntu Founder, Mark Shuttleworth, recorded at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDC) in November 2009. Mark talks about upcoming release Ubuntu 10.04 codenamed "Lucid Lynx", Ubuntu's strengths in both the desktop and server environment, and future focuses of the project.

Thu, 04 Mar 2010 23:14:00 -0500