Mitchell McKenna - tagged with hackintosh en-us LifePress OS Xbox Pro

Built by Will Urbina, the OS Xbox Pro is a hackintosh casemodded into an original Xbox dev kit. Check out the video below to see a walk-through of his experiment.

Fri, 27 Nov 2009 18:52:00 -0500
Tekzilla | Build a Hackintosh Desktop

"how to build a PC that runs OS X, aka, a Hackintosh. So we asked our friend Colleen aka Digital Kitty, aka TWiT's Technical Project Manager to give us the step by step how to install a legal copy of OS X on a PC.

The heart of this build is an EFi-X V1 Boot Processing Unit and a full retail install version of OS X. US residents can purchase an EFi-X BPU from for $240. Cheap? No. But it does wonders with bootloading -and- allows to update OS X!

What's the big attraction to a Hackintosh? More build options than Apple gives you, and spending lots less on hardware."

Thu, 23 Jul 2009 01:52:00 -0400