Mitchell McKenna - tagged with markdown en-us LifePress MacDown: The open source Markdown editor for OS X.

MacDown is an open source Markdown editor for OS X, released under the MIT License. It is heavily influenced by Chen Luo’s Mou. Chen Luo announced he couldn't actively continue Mou development, and wished to sell the ownership of Mou. No suitable offers surfaced. This is an open source version hoping to pick up where Mou left off.

Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:34:00 -0400
Sculpin — PHP Static Site Generator

Static site generators have become popular in recent years with ones like Hyde (python) and Jekyll/Octopress (Ruby). It's nice to see some static site generators built on PHP. There's actually 3 becoming popular; Sculpin, Phrozn and PieCrust. One thing I like about Sculpin is you can fire up a local php server and have it watch for file changes to auto update the site. It utilizes a lot of Symfony components. Also emphasis for easily packaging themes.

Fri, 21 Feb 2014 04:43:00 -0500
EpicEditor - Markdown editor

EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with split fullscreen editing, live previewing, automatic draft saving, offline support, and more. For developers, it offers a robust API, can be easily themed, and allows you to swap out the bundled Markdown parser with anything you throw at it.

Wed, 11 Sep 2013 13:13:00 -0400