Mitchell McKenna - tagged with mozilla en-us LifePress Mozilla Tilt: A New Way of Visualizing the DOM

Tilt represents a new way of visualizing a web page. I can it being a great tool for new developers to understand the DOM and the box model in particular. This tool creates a 3D representation of the document, with the purpose of displaying, understanding and easily analyzing the DOM. It is a firefox extension using a WebGL implementation to provide a rich user-experience, fun interaction and useful information, while taking full advantage of 3D hardware acceleration.

The implementation consists of a Firefox extension containing a 3D representation of a web page, as both a fun visualization tool and a developer-friendly environment for debugging the document's structure, contents and nesting of the DOM tree. Various information besides the actual contents will be displayed on request, regarding each node's type, class, id, and other attributes if available.


Thu, 21 Jul 2011 13:20:00 -0400
Mozilla shows off plans for an open web-app store (ahead Of chrome web store)

Mozilla shows off plans for an open web-app store (ahead Of chrome web store) #mozilla

Tue, 19 Oct 2010 19:58:00 -0400
Mozilla Seabird 2D

Read about the project at Designed by Billy May:

3D version available here:

Sat, 25 Sep 2010 05:30:00 -0400
An Introduction to Firefox's Tab Candy

It’s hard to keep everything straight with dozens of tabs all crammed into a little strip along the top of your browser. Often, it’s easier to open a new tab than to try to find the open tab you already have. Worse, how many of us keep tabs open as reminders of something we want to do or read later? We need a way to organize browsing, to see all of our tabs at once, Enter: Tab Candy.

Fri, 23 Jul 2010 16:43:00 -0400
Why Tabs are on Top in Firefox 4

Contributors who are active in the Mozilla community will know that this debate literally goes back for years. So in some respects this video will serve as quick summary of all of the different arguments both for an against the change. But the more interesting part isn't about looking back, it's about looking forward. Recently modern browsers have been transitioning to placing tops on top, and that decision isn't arbitrary, it isn't about fashion. The change to placing tabs on top isn't about one browser versus another browser, it's about the evolution of the Web as a platform.

Wed, 07 Jul 2010 04:15:00 -0400
FireFox Plugin: Jetpack Image Editor

"Firefox extension which allows you to edit any image on the web. After you installed the extension, right click on the image in Firefox and select Edit Image to activate Jetpack Image Editor. Technically speaking, it is like a mini version of Photoshop that runs in Firefox."

Wed, 09 Dec 2009 00:03:00 -0500
Five Years of Firefox

Five years is a long time on the Internet, so let's celebrate five years of working together to make the Web better for everyone.

Mon, 09 Nov 2009 00:12:00 -0500
Mozilla Raindrop - Make Your Inbox Personal Again

Mozilla says Raindrop was built to be focused on highlighting & breaking out personal conversations, making it easier for you to see all your conversations in one client. It is designed to “bubble up” the important conversations from your messages.

Tue, 27 Oct 2009 14:48:00 -0400
Mozilla Raindrop - Wave Competitor?

Some are calling it the future competitor to Google Wave. It's supposed to "manage conversations, notifications, and messages across a variety of online services". So really (unlike Wave) it's about combining social networks and email into one rich-text stream.

Fri, 23 Oct 2009 12:19:00 -0400
Multitouch on Firefox

Here's some demos of cool things you can do on a webapp with the multitouch support that is in the works for Firefox. More details on the blog post: Cast: Felipe

Tue, 25 Aug 2009 13:07:00 -0400