Mitchell McKenna - tagged with osx en-us LifePress Gitifier: Git commit notifier for Mac

Got a git repo you want a notification for when others commit to? Maybe it's your work repo (doesn't have to be github, can be any git repo). This app fits the bill. On the other hand if your looking for something to monitor github pull requests and comments, checkout

Thu, 02 Apr 2015 04:41:00 -0400
CocoaPods - Dependency Manager for iOS & Mac Projects

CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Cocoa projects. It has thousands of libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly.

Think of it as PHP's Composer, but for iOS/Mac apps! My team Alpha at AOL used this for building the Pip messaging app.

Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:29:00 -0500
MacDown: The open source Markdown editor for OS X.

MacDown is an open source Markdown editor for OS X, released under the MIT License. It is heavily influenced by Chen Luo’s Mou. Chen Luo announced he couldn't actively continue Mou development, and wished to sell the ownership of Mou. No suitable offers surfaced. This is an open source version hoping to pick up where Mou left off.

Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:34:00 -0400
MacGap - Build Native Apps for Mac Using Web Technology

The MacGap project aims to provide HTML/JS/CSS developers an Xcode project for developing Native OSX Apps that run in OSX's WebView and take advantage of WebKit technologies. The project also exposes a basic JavaScript API for OS integration, such as display Growl notifications. Slack is a popular app built on MacGap.

Tue, 18 Mar 2014 05:38:00 -0400
Google Music for Mac

Turn Google Music into a separate, beautiful application compatible with your Mac's media keys and including support for notifications.

Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:53:00 -0500
LaunchRocket - GUI For launchd/launchctl Services

A Mac PreferencePane for managing services with launchd/launchctl. If you've got Mongodb, redis, or mysql installed via homebrew, this is a great interface to checking their status and starting/stopping them.

Mon, 24 Feb 2014 16:22:00 -0500
OS Xbox Pro

Built by Will Urbina, the OS Xbox Pro is a hackintosh casemodded into an original Xbox dev kit. Check out the video below to see a walk-through of his experiment.

Fri, 27 Nov 2009 18:52:00 -0500