Mitchell McKenna - tagged with transplant en-us LifePress The Skin Gun - Spray on Skin is a Reality

Dr. Gerlach has developed a stem cell-powered gun that sprays skin onto burn victims like an airbrush, and cuts the time of treatment from weeks down to ninety minutes. It's a simple idea backed by stem cell research. It uses your own cells, and the new skin is sprayed on - within a few days it's completely healed. Still experimental, very promising.

Thu, 03 Feb 2011 22:10:00 -0500
Kevin Stone: The bio-future of joint replacement

Arthritis and injury grind down millions of joints, but few get the best remedy - real biological tissue. Kevin Stone shows a treatment that could sidestep the high costs and donor shortfall of human-to-human transplants with a novel use of animal tissue.

The use of animal tissue will stir up controversy. Compare this to eating meat almost daily though. It seems more humane to use a small amount of animal tissue for fixing ourselves only a few times in our entire lives. We kill/harvest so many animals already, they could use the parts from those animals more wisely.

Mon, 26 Jul 2010 00:30:00 -0400