Mitchell McKenna - tagged with twario en-us LifePress Super Twario

How would you feel about getting a bit more out of Twitter? A bit more up, a bit more down, a bit more left and a bit more right?

Sound like fun?

Super Twario can take you there. All the way there. Like, all the way to 1989 and back. Or forward.

Super Twario is a whole new way of experiencing Twitter. Jump back to the heyday of retro platform games and then drag them into a future of 140 character conversations and a hundred billion friends, followers and stalkers and you start to understand what Super Twario can do to your twext life.

Tilt to move Twario around a world built from your Twitter feed and leap around to interact with Avatars and fill your Tweets with a lot more fun. Tweet, Reply, Retweet - all that is taken care of within Tweet World.

And, like any self-respecting platform game, every action has a reaction as Super Twario is fully Game Center enabled with achievements and scores just sat there waiting to be unlocked. By you.

So what can you expect? - Platform based Tweet World - Tilt controls guide Twario through the Twitter feed - Tap to jump - Swipe to run faster - Unlock Game Center Achievements - Tweet, Retweet, Reply from within the App - Day / Night mode just so you don't, y'know, forget

Thu, 21 Oct 2010 12:51:00 -0400