WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure. Better WordPress project structure (including renaming wp-content/ to app/). Dependency management with Composer. And more.
Starting a new wordpress theme? Wanna use Foundation 6? Here's your headstart.
]]>WordPress starter theme based on HTML5 Boilerplate, gulp, Bower, and Bootstrap. Other good starter themes available are Cutlass and Bones.
]]>Jetpack's Publicize can be a handy feature to automatically share your post to various social network's like facebook, twitter and google plus.
One of the annoying features is when it shares it on those social networks it posts a http://wp.me...
short link. You can fix that by deactivating "WP.me Shortlinks" in Jetpack settings.
Another annoying thing is even if "WP.me Shortlinks" is disabled, it will share the url in the classic http://domain.com/?p=123
permalink structure. In order to fix this, add the following to your theme's functions.php
function tweakjp_cust_shortlink() {
global $post;
if (!$post) {
return get_permalink($post->ID);
add_filter( 'get_shortlink', 'tweakjp_cust_shortlink' );
This solution was posted by the Publicize plugin author here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/publicize-full-url-to-twitter
I try to keep a collection of solid looking, well featured premium themes bookmarked incase family or friends ever needs one. This seems like a nice addition to the collection.
]]>Interesting distraction-free writing mode in #wordpress beta 1 https://t.co/xpxXyc7rXo
]]>Interesting distraction-free writing mode in #wordpress beta 1 https://make.wordpress.org/core/2014/11/11/focus-v2-demo-video/
]]>Cutlass is a Wordpress Starter Theme that includes support for Laravel's Blade templating engine, Bootstrap, and Font Awesome. Also includes Bower, and Gulp for SASS compiling, file concatination, image minifying, javascript uglifying, and livereload.
]]>Came across this theme because Taylor Otwell was using it on his site. Good example of how Wordpress' "post format's" can be used to build a tumblr like personal blog.
Was looking for a markdown plugin for #wordpress, turns out it's already supported in @jetpack now http://t.co/DUnV3BDgKZ
]]>Looks like a pretty solid, very customizable wordpress theme. Comes with 30 versions of the theme to pick from and customize.
Really nice responsive wordpress theme with portfolio, woo commerce, blog and forums (bbpress) built-in with lots of styling options for $60.
WordPress is getting auto-updating (for minor versions) in 3.7, pretty cool http://t.co/RIypGagCoo #wordpress
]]>I was on the hunt for a image slider plugin for wordpress and was surprised how many don't include an interface for putting together multiple sliders. Meta Slider was probably the best one I found. You can pick from 4 open source jQuery sliders when creating your slides; Nivo Slider, Flex Slider 2, Coin Slider and Responsive Slides. Slideshows are stored as a custom post type, slides are stored as media files and the relation between the two is stored as taxonomy data. You can create unlimited slideshows with unlimited number of slides.
]]>So your working on your WordPress theme, and need to include some javascript or css, just throw it in the header or footer right? Well, actually Wordpress has it's own preferred way of including js and css. If you follow their best practices, you can avoid the risk of conflicting with other themes and plugins.
A blank WordPress theme to start your next custom WordPress theme from. Available as both a responsive and static theme. Using the 960 Grid. Built Around HTML5 Boilerplate. Insanely Detailed & Organized CSS File. Easy to Customize & Expand Upon.
Exhibition Theme is clean and modern WordPress theme with a blog like design. Great theme for artists to showcase their portfolio and blog about their work. Check out the demo page or the theme video provided to see how it works.
Great tips from the Envato team on what to look for when buying or creating a premium WordPress theme. This screencast details the process that each reviewer takes at Envato when reviewing new submissions. Everything from unique/proper design, coding quality, validation, psd, documentation and licensing.
]]>"Sight is a powerful WordPress 3.0.1-ready theme which will work best for magazines and blogs. The theme was designed in modern minimalistic style and has two views: the standard blog view and a grid view. A big image slider on the top gives you extra ability to show the most important content. The theme was designed by WP Shower exclusively for Smashing Magazine and its readers. As usual, the theme is absolutely free to use in private and commerical projects."
The guys over at FuelCMS have documented a method of integrating CodeIgniter and Wordpress into the same website. By doing so you can call the $CI super object from within your Wordpress theme files.
The initial problem we had with using Wordpress was wanting to incorporate CodeIgniter functionality into our Wordpress theme files. For example, we often have a header and footer that we include in many of our CodeIgniter view files. That same header and footer also needed to be included in the Wordpress theme. Our answer was to create a Wordpress include file that executes the CodeIgniter bootstrap within Wordpress.