I posted to vimeo.com
February 6 2015, 6:14pm | 0 Comments
I posted to delicious.com
Git 2.3 feature - Push to Deploy
One of the new features built into Git 2.3 is ability to deploy when you push. If you've got a simple project, this might be all you need instead of a deployment script/package.
February 6 2015, 3:46am | 0 Comments
I posted to twitter.com
iPad sketch app Paper (and all brushes) is now FREE! Company making enough off bluetooth stylus Pencil http://t.co/9BKbO8MpUS (via @wynwyn)
February 5 2015, 1:51pm | 0 Comments
I posted to dribbble.com
February 5 2015, 12:31pm | 0 Comments
I posted to delicious.com
Nimva [Premium WordPress Theme]
I try to keep a collection of solid looking, well featured premium themes bookmarked incase family or friends ever needs one. This seems like a nice addition to the collection.
February 4 2015, 2:54pm | 0 Comments
I posted to twitter.com
Microsoft Acquires Calendar App Sunrise For ~$100 Million http://t.co/o9bPNsSdaB ~ Nooo! Aww well, I already switched to Fantastical.
February 4 2015, 2:22pm | 0 Comments
I posted to twitter.com
MongoDB 3.0 Announced. I’m liking those numbers (and WiredTiger engine) http://t.co/nXJut7upr9 (via @baileylo)
February 4 2015, 2:01pm | 0 Comments
I posted to gdgt.com
Answered: How is the battery life of this headset?
Sony promises 8 hours of battery life, not amazing but I've found it to be pretty accurate. It can take up to 3 hours to…
February 4 2015, 1:36pm | 0 Comments
I posted to twitter.com
Laravel 5.0 released! Check out what’s new here: http://t.co/oNiI8G2I0i #php
February 4 2015, 1:34pm | 0 Comments
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