Re: How To Get People to Check-In at Your Business on Foursquare

April 14 2012, 1:50pm

As a user, I've started and stopped using Foursquare a couple times. At first my reasoning for using it was "it's a way to let your friends know your nearby incase they want to meet up", however that never actually happened, so I realized that wasn't a reason to use the service. Then I used it as more of a photo sharing service, I liked using it that way but I don't share photos much and other services like Instagram came along (although some of them will send the image to Foursquare as well). Another reason I found myself checking in was to check out the tips, it was an easy way to find out what was good at a new restaurant, but this doesn't incentivise you to check-in to places you frequent often. Then there's deals you mention in the article above, I'd make sure to check-in if I knew the place offered a deal to check-in.

I guess what I'm getting at is that there isn't a single reason to check-in to Foursquare but a sum of the above reasons, and the more businsses start offering these deals, it's more likely I'll remember to check-in. And like you said, more likely I'll choose that business over the competition.