June 5 2014, 6:54pm
At the end of his greatest adventure, Skillman has vanquished his nemesis, recovered the priceless artifact, and saved his latest lover from certain doom. But as he struggles to figure out what comes next, his lady begins to realize her confident, capable man hasn't the first clue what to do once the guns are down. "This "action-romance" meets "21st century gender role comedy" is novel, and hits all the right notes of the genre it lampoons perfectly." - Twitch Film, 2013 2013 Official Selections: Tribeca Film Festival Austin Film Festival Flyway Film Festival New Hampshire Film Festival HollyShorts Film Festival Northside Film Festival Greenpoint Film Festival Calgary Film Festival Nitehawk Cinema Shorts 2014 Official Selections: 3rd New York International Short Film Festival (NY Shorts Fest) 2014 Online Premieres: Short of the Week NoBudge Film Shortage Tribeca Films + United Airlines in-flight series Written and Directed by Dylan Allen Produced by Eddy Vallante, Rebecca Brice and Dylan Allen Starring Chris Henry Coffey and Lucy Walters Director of Photography / Edited by Evan Jake Cohen Music and Poster by Sam's Myth Full Credits at imdb.com/title/tt2768404/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ov_st_smCast: Amalgamated Picture Co., Seawall Productions, Evan Jake Cohen and Eddy VallanteTags: Epilogue, skillman, dylan allen, amalgamated picture company, hero, adventure and comedy