Git Pre-commit Hook to Auto Run PHPUnit
November 20 2015, 10:53am
Never push up broken tests again. Using a pre-commit hook for git, when you type in git commit
git will automatically run your unit tests to make sure nothing is broken with your recent changes.
Create a file called pre-commit
in your project root at ./.git/hooks/
and put the following code inside it:
printf("%sGit pre-commit hook %1\$s", PHP_EOL);
$projectName = basename(getcwd());
exec('vendor/bin/phpunit', $output, $returnCode);
if ($returnCode !== 0) {
$minimalTestSummary = array_pop($output);
printf("Test suite for %s failed: ", $projectName);
printf("( %s ) %s%2\$s", $minimalTestSummary, PHP_EOL);
return false;
printf("All tests for %s passed.%s%2\$s", $projectName, PHP_EOL);
return true;
The above is based on this gist but updated to use the copy of phpunit from your project's composer.