Boxee Event 09
June 25 2009, 5:32am
Boxee is a free open source media center for Windows/Mac/Linux with social networking features. This event focused on the winners of the the dev challenge. In San Francisco on June 23rd (7pm at the Mezzanine). The host for the evening will be Veronica Belmont! The event streamed live on
Judge’s included Veronica Belmont (Rev3), Chris Pirillo (LockerGnome), Cali Lewis (Geekbrief) and Ryan Block (Engadget)
During the event they launched the Windows version, and announced new partnerships and shared more info about the boxee beta. Check out all the new announcements over at TechCrunch: Mezzanine Club, San Francisco, CADate: Jun 23, 2009Number of Photos in Album: 23View Album