Re: 4th of July Time-lapse
July 5 2010, 3:16pm
Thanks bro, the fireworks were a lot better in foster city than last year, huge turn out, most amount of people I've seen in Foster City, ever! Editing involved trimming the start and end of the video, I also had a reflection of the red record light off of the window the camera was look out that I had to edit out (you can hardly tell until you look really close that I edited it out), and I also had to chop up the song becaus it wasn't long enough. To be honest I can't even remember where I came across the song anymore. I had started off by googling "good songs for fireworks", came up with a lot of classical, but I didn't really like it. I started watching other time-lapse videos and other videos over on vimeo, and one of them had this one in the background and I though the tempo of the keys almost lined up with the fireworks worked really well.