Graphic Design: The Forgotten Web Standard - Slides in 3 Minutes
August 18 2010, 11:28am
As part of my (Mike Kus) talk at FOWD London 2009 I played this short film. It's sped up footage of me designing my slides for my talk. I showed it because I thought it would interesting to see the design process I went through whilst making them. It also features a lot of footage of slides being designed that never made it to the final slide deck. You can view the final slides here:
You can view my talk here:
The music I used is a track called Með suð í eyrum by Sigur Ros from their album Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. It's an amazing record and I suggest you all go out and buy it :) or buy it here:
You can view more of my design work at:
Twitter: Carsonified